HEWI MAG / sanitary

How to avoid falls in the bathroom

According to statistics from the Statista platform, the risk of falling increases with age. Many older people are afraid of falling - especially in the bathroom. To help them feel safe and comfortable again, you as a planner or architect can do your part to make the bathroom safer. In this article, you will learn how to reduce the risk of falling and which products play a decisive role in this.

In the bathroom, falls occur again and again in old age - and often involve health consequences. Especially people who suffer from a chronic illness or limited mobility do not feel very safe in the bathroom. It is therefore important to adapt the sanitary area to the needs and age of the residents in good time and to initiate refurbishment measures according to needs. With different products in the bathroom for showers, washbasins and WCs, you can reduce the risk of falls for your customers.

Washbasin and shower area

Reduce the risk of falling: Make the shower slip-resistant and safe

In an age-appropriate bathroom, it makes sense to install a shower instead of a bathtub. Getting into showers is much easier, which already significantly reduces the risk of falling. If the shower is also designed to be barrier-free and at ground level, safety in the bathroom for senior citizens is further enhanced. In addition, a bathroom with a shower offers more space. But not only older people benefit from showers: Especially when people use a walking frame or someone is assisted by a caregiver with everyday personal hygiene, sufficient space is necessary.

Installing seating in the shower is another important aspect to minimise the risk of falls. Shower seats prevent slipping on wet floors. Ideally, seats in the shower are fixed to the wall. A non-slip surface of the shower seats contributes to safety in the bathroom for senior citizens. Seats in the shower make it easier for older people to carry out the physical routine that becomes more burdensome with age and therefore help them to be more independent.

Angled handles in the shower, which also function as shower holders, also offer protection against falls. The handles allow two levels of grip: They allow vertical and horizontal supporting and holding. Especially in dangerous situations, it is important to be able to hold on. In this way, many falls can be avoided. Angled handles in the shower give a feeling of safety in the bathroom for the elderly and additionally reduce the risk of falling.

Barrier-free bathroom with washbasin, shower area and WC

Risk of falling at the WC: Smart features

Standing up and sitting down at the toilet can become a challenge with risks in old age. Height-adjustable WCs make everyday life easier at this point. They can be comfortably adjusted to the desired height and promote the independence of the users. Ideally, the WC can also be adjusted under full load. Many people want to continue to use the toilet alone and in a self-determined way.

To further counteract potential falls at the toilet, hinged support handles are a good idea. They make life easier for wheelchair users in particular and increase safety in the bathroom. Many models can be folded back against the wall. This saves space when they are not needed. This is particularly advantageous in private bathrooms so that there is sufficient room to move.

Height-adjustable WC module with folding support handle

With our extensive range of hinged support handles, you will find the right solution for your project. Our versions can be upgraded with arm pads, toilet paper roll holders or a radio flush release, for example. In this way, important functions can be reached while sitting down and turning around or standing up becomes unnecessary. Slipping and falling can therefore be avoided.

An addition in the WC area is the back support. It keeps users steady and relieves the back. The supports increase the comfort of the users and contribute to the sense of well-being and safety.

Barrier-free washbasins offer safety and prevent falls

Just like height-adjustable WCs, height-adjustable washbasins offer advantages for users with physical limitations. As they are flexibly adjustable in height, they are suitable for use both sitting and standing. Wheelchair users and people without limitations also find these height-adjustable washbasins useful. This is particularly advantageous when several people with different needs live in one household. Since a height-adjustable washbasin can be flexibly adapted to changing needs, it is the ideal solution for customers who are already thinking about safety in the bathroom for senior citizens.

Washbasins that can be flexibly extended with additional functions are also suitable for sanitary equipment in the bathroom for the elderly. If strength and mobility decrease with age, utensils such as soap dispensers and shelves can be placed within easy reach. This way, your customers do not have to stretch out because of the products and the risk of falling is reduced.



With a modular washbasin system, important adaptations can be added quickly and easily at any time. If the support is no longer needed, the washbasin can be easily dismantled. Washbasins that have integrated recessed grips also offer safety in the bathroom for senior citizens. Users quickly hold on to the handles if they lack strength in their legs or feel unwell. In this way, the washbasins reduce the risk of falls and contribute to a more self-determined everyday life.


Modular washbasin with grab rail and shelves for bathroom utensils in dark grey matt stainless steel

Other useful products in the bathroom for the elderly

In addition to products in the WC, shower and washbasin areas, there are also solutions that provide more safety in the bathroom for senior citizens. Mobile seating can be used flexibly wherever users need it. Whether getting dressed or brushing teeth at the washbasin - mobile stools are ideal additions to age-appropriate bathroom equipment.

A particularly important solution that reduces the risk of falls are holding rails. They can also be flexibly installed in the place where the help is needed. In the shower as well as at the toilet and washbasin, however, they are obligatory to ensure safety in the bathroom for the elderly - because holding rails provide the last rescue from a fall in a dicey situation.

Generally, you should choose slip-resistant tiles when equipping a bathroom suitable for senior citizens. These noticeably reduce the risk of falls and contribute to a feeling of safety.

The installation of an emergency button is also recommended in the bathroom of your elderly clients. If a fall does occur, the emergency button makes it possible for the person to call for help. Especially when an impaired person is alone in a flat, house or care room, emergency buttons are important for quick help.



Do you need help when it comes to safe bathroom planning? Our free planning service is aimed at architects and planners. We are happy to support you in refurbishing or planning a new, age-appropriate bathroom. Contact us.


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